At Kidango, curious students become lifelong learners
Our learning philosophy is simple: ask. Asking leads to talking; talking leads to exploring. Our mission is to ensure your child remains curious. We do that by identifying what interests your child – what makes them excited, eager, breathless for the next lesson.
Kidango’s Curriculum Approach
Kidango’s curriculum and educational practices incorporate child-centered, research-based, domain-specific learning strategies developed by early childhood education experts. Committed to crafting the best possible curriculum to help every child succeed, we’ve paired our learning best practices with the proper assessment tools needed to measure all student needs and gains, helping us target instructional behaviors that can directly improve learning goals, provide nurturing and responsive caregiving, developmentally appropriate practices, a balance of group activities and instruction guided by the teachers with activities children choose themselves, and provide enough time for children to get deeply involved in activities and learning. These activities support children’s interests, skills, and knowledge in an environment that includes all children, no matter their home language and abilities. Our curriculum and program practices prioritize children’s safety, health, well-being, and holistic development across all domains while being reflective of individual children’s needs.