Corvallis Centro | Kidango

Corvallis Centro

Corvallis Centro

Información del Centro

Horas de Oficina
7:30 am - 4 pm
días de clase de parte del día
8 am - 11 am & 11:45 am - 2:45 pm

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Conoce a la directora del centro

Angelica Cardenas

He estado en Kidango por más de 5 años

Libro infantil favorito: The Giving Tree de Shel Silverstein

Película infantil favorita: El Rey León

Superhéroe favorito: Superman, me encantaría poder volar.

Sobre este centro

Our preschool starts with a research-based curriculum and outstanding teachers you can trust to prepare your child for kindergarten and a lifetime of learning. Our center is unique because we have diversity in our staff, children, and families. We are passionate and love to teach in a multicultural environment and diverse ethnic community. We gain wonderful insights through our interactions!

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