Kidango is proud to co-sponsor SB 1047 (Limón) to strengthen and promote a mixed-delivery early learning and care system in California to better meet the needs of working parents and their children, particularly infants and toddlers, as envisioned in the state’s Master Plan for Early Learning and Care.
SB 1047 aims to increase efficiencies in the direct contracting Early Learning and care system by removing barriers to serve more children in quality programs and strengthen the family child care system to give our youngest learners a strong start. Considering COVID-19’s devastating impact on families and early childhood providers, we must build a stronger, more equitable Early Learning and care system for California’s children, families, and providers.
Specifically, SB 1047 would accomplish the following:
Enable low-income families to more easily enroll in subsidized child care and preschool. This bill expands categorical eligibility for subsidized child care for families who are already enrolled in CalFresh, Medi-Cal, WIC or Head Start. This will significantly reduce the paperwork and administrative burden on families and providers.
Make it easier for families to maintain access to subsidized child care and preschool. The bill also extends eligibility for subsidized child care from 12 to 24 months to improve continuity of care for families and children.
How You Can Support This Bill
1. Submit an Organizational Support Letter for SB 1047
SB 1047 Support Letter Template
2. Tweet a message
Author: Senator Monique Limón
Early Edge California (Sponsor)
Kidango (Sponsor)
EveryChild California (Sponsor)
How You Can Support This Bill:
Here is a sample support letter for SB 1047. Please copy and paste onto your email or letterhead and submit via email to using the following subject line “RE: SB 1047 (Limón) Early learning and care. REQUEST FOR SIGNATURE”.
Show Your Support on Social Media:
Use the SB 1047 Toolkit that contains social posts, graphics, and talking points.
Track this bill: To track bills, visit the California Legislative Information Inquiry System. Once you have created an account, you can click on the “My Subscriptions” tab to be notified of any hearings, amendments, and actions taken on SB 1047.
For detailed instructions on how to track a bill, please click here.